The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be. Here are some facts about the1500s:
These are interesting... Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married.

Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, Don't throw the baby out with the Bath water..

Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying . It's raining cats and dogs.

There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence.

The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying, Dirt poor. The wealthy had slate floors That would get slippery in the winter when wet , so they spread thresh (straw) on floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when you opened the door, it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entranceway.
Hence the saying a ..thresh hold..

In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while.
Hence the rhyme, Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old..

Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could, bring home the bacon..
They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and chew the fat..

Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content
caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.

Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the upper crust.

Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a wake.

England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a bone-house, and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift.) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be, saved by the bell. or was considered a ..dead ringer..

And that's the truth...Now , whoever said History was boring ! ! !

Educate someone..Share these facts with a friend


Life doesn't need to be perfect & rich

Life doesn't need to be perfect & rich..just enjoy with what we have..

In the picture, just look at their condition.. no place to sleep, still they have made some space for  cat and dog... water poring from the roof but still each 1 of them have a peaceful smile on their face.. Simply amazing!!!!!
The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems, but those who learn to live with things that are less than perfect.
Keep Smiling Always.


Kids Are Quick

TEACHER:    Maria, go to the map and find North America ..
Here it is. 
TEACHER:    Correct.  Now class, who discovered America ?

CLASS:        Maria. 


TEACHER:   John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
JOHN:  You told me to do it without using tables. 


TEACHER:  Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'

GLENN:     K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L' 

TEACHER:  No, that's wrong

GLENN:       Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.   

(I  Love this kid)

TEACHER:   Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?

DONALD:    H I J K L M N O. 

TEACHER:   What are you talking about?

DONALD:    Yesterday you said it's H to O.

TEACHER:   Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.

WINNIE:     Me! 


TEACHER:   Glen, why do you always get so dirty?
 Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.

TEACHER:     Millie, give me a sentence starting with ' I. '

MILLIE:       I  is... 

TEACHER:     No, Millie..... Always say, 'I  am.'

MILLIE:       All right...  'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'

TEACHER:    George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it.   Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?

LOUIS:      Because George still had the axe in his hand...

TEACHER:    Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?

SIMON:     No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.

TEACHER:     Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?

CLYDE :      No, sir. It's the same dog.

Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
  A teacher



A husband and wife go visit a marriage counselor in Bombay.

First, the wife speaks to the counselor alone. The counselor asks, "You say you've been married 20 years, so what seems to be the problem?"

The wife replies, "It's my husband - he's driving me crazy! I'm going to leave him if he continues!"

"How does he drive you crazy?"

"For 20 years," she says, "he's been doing these stupid things. First, whenever we go out, he's always looking at the floor and refuses to go near anyone. It's very embarrassing."

The marriage counselor is amused, "Anything else?"

"He keeps picking his nose all the time! Even in public!"

"Hmm, anything else?"

The wife hesitates, "whenever we're making love, he NEVER lets me be on top!

Once in a while, I'd like to be in control!"

"Ah," says the counselor, "I think I'll talk to your husband now."

So the wife goes out of the room and the husband enters. The counselor tells him, "Your wife says that you've been driving her crazy. She might even leave you."

The husband looks shocked, "WHAT? For 20 years I've been loving and considerate and I've always given her what she wants! What could be the problem?"

The counselor explains, "She says that you've got these habits that are driving her crazy. First, you're always acting strange in public-looking at the floor and never going near anyone else."

The husband looks concerned, "Oh, you don't understand! It's one of the few things my father told me to do on his death bed and I swore I'd obey everything he said."

"What did he say?"

"He said that I should never step on anyone's toes!"

The counselor looks amused, "Actually, that means that you should not do anything that would cause anyone else to get angry." The husband looks sheepish, "Oh. Okay."

The counselor continues, "And you keep picking your nose in public."

"Well, its another thing my father specifically commanded me to do! He told me to always keep my nose clean." The counselor looks faint, "That means that you should not indulge in any criminal activity." "Oh," says the husband looking very stupid.

"And finally, she says that you never allow her to be on top during your lovemaking."

"This," says the husband seriously, "is the last thing my father commanded me to do on his deathbed and it's the most important thing."

"What did he say?"

The husband replies, "In his dying breath, he said, 'Don't screw up."


Joke of the year

A woman is having an affair during the day while her husband is at work

Her nine-year-old son comes home unexpectedly, sees the illegal lovers and hides in the bedroom cupboard to watch.
Then the woman's husband unexpectedly comes home.
She hides her lover in the cupboard, not realizing that her little boy is in there already.
The little Boy says: 'Dark in here.'

The Man says: 'Yes,it is.'
Boy: 'I have a soccer ball, do you want to buy it?'
Man: 'No, thanks.'
Boy: 'My dad's outside, I'll call him if you don't buy it!'
Man: 'OK,how much?'

A few weeks later it happened again and the boy and the lover were in the cupboard together again. Boy: 'Dark in here.'
Man: 'Yes, it is.'
Boy: 'I have soccer boots.'
The Man, remembering the last time, asks the boy:
'How much?'
The Boy says:'$5,000.'

The Man says: 'Fine,  I will buy them.' A few days later, the Father says to the boy:

'Grab your ball and boots, let's go outside and have a game.'
The Boy says: 'I can't, I sold them for $ 6,000.'

The Father says: 'That's terrible to overcharge your friends like that... $6,000 is way more than those two things cost.

I'm going to take you to church and make you confess your 'SINS.'
They go to church and the father makes the little boy sit in the confession booth and he closes the door.

The Boy says: 'Dark in here.'
The Priest says: 'Don't start that again!'


Need washing?

A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Walmart.  She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence.

It was pouring outside.  The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout.  We all stood there, under the awning, just inside the door of the Walmart.

We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day.

I am always mesmerized by rainfall.  I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world.  Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.

Her little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in, 'Mom let's run through the rain,'
She said.
'What?' Mom asked.

'Let's run through the rain!' She repeated.

'No, honey.  We'll wait until it slows down a bit,' Mom replied.

This young child waited a minute and repeated: 'Mom, let's run through the rain.'

'We'll get soaked if we do,' Mom said.

'No, we won't, Mom.  That's not what you said this morning,' the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm.

'This morning?  When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?'

'Don't you remember?  When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, 'If God can get us through this, He can get us through anything!'

The entire crowd stopped dead silent.  I swear you couldn't hear anything but the rain... We all stood silently.  No one left.  Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say.  

Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly.  Some might even ignore what was said.  But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child's life.  A time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith.

'Honey, you are absolutely right.  Let's run through the rain.  If GOD let's us get wet, well maybe we just need washing,' Mom said.

Then off they ran.  We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and yes, through the puddles.  They got soaked.  

They were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars.  And yes, I did.
I ran… I got wet.  I needed washing.

Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health.  But no one can ever take away your precious memories...So, don't forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories everyday.

To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.

Share this to the people you'll never forget and remember to also share it to the person who sent it to you… It's a short message to let them know that you'll never forget them.

If you don't share it to anyone, it means you're in a hurry.

Take the time to live!!!

Keep in touch with your friends; you never know when you'll need each other --
And don't forget to run in the rain!


Self Help Methods, Golden Rooster Stand on One Leg (Jin Ji Du Li) - Zhong Li Ba Ren

求醫不如求己 金雞獨立法--中里巴人
介紹一個簡單的健康法,簡單又有效。這個動作的關鍵是 - 「眼睛要閉著」 閉著眼睛做金雞獨立,如果站不了10秒鐘,表示平衡感退化到了六、七十歲的地步。
1分鐘 "金雞獨立" 防老年痴呆

Introducing a simple health excercise, simple and effective.  The essence of the movement is "Eyes Must be Closed".  Practise the "Jin Ji Du Li"  with the eyes closed
If unable to stand for less than 10 seconds, it means body has regenerated to 60 to 70 years old level.  Frequent practice can recover the sense of balance.  Chinese specialists recommend daily practice of Jin Ji Du Li for 1 minute, to prevent dementia.    
Slightly closed both eyes while practicing Jin Ji Du Li is the recommended health practice by health specialist Zhong Li Ba Ren.
Daily practice of Jin Ji Du Li, can help in Hypertension, High Blood Sugar, Neck and Spinal diseases, it can also distance you from dementia.

Best selling health book "Self Help is Better than Seeking Doctors' Help",  has been the best selling health book in China since its was first published last year.  It has been reprinted 12 times within 6 months, with more than 1 million copies sold.  The popularity of the book is it teaches many simple practical health tips.  The author, Zhong Li Ba Ren, disclosed the most simple and practical health method when he visited Singapore.

In recommending the Jin Ji Du Li method, Zhong Li Ba Ren said that according to the understanding of Chinese physician, diseases appear because  of coordination in the various internal organs encounter problems, the body loses its balance.  Jin Ji Du Li can readjust the inter-relationship of these organs.  He said that many people can't even do it for 5 seconds, but later on, are able to stand for more than 2 minutes.

Following the lengthening of the standing time, the feeling of "head heavy, light feet' disappears. The quality of sleep improves, the mind clears up, the memory improves significantly.  If you can practice Jin Ji Du Li with your eyes closed for 1 minutes daily, you will not get dementia.  


He pointed out that there are 6 important meridians passing through our legs.  Standing with a single leg, the weak meridian will feel sore while getting the required exercise.  The corresponding organs of these meridian and their path ways, will get the necessary tuning.  This methods\ can concentrate the awareness, and channel the body's qi to the foot.  The effects to various illness associated with hypertension, diabetes, neck and spinal diseases are quick to see.  It can also improve the swivel of the cerebellum, prevent gout.


Strengthen body Immunity rapidly


This is the basic cure for "Cold Feet Disease".  It can also strengthen the body immunity.  He said, it is suitable for everyone generally.  Especially for the young, when they persist in practicing it daily while they are healthy, their chances of contracting the various illness associated with aging is comparative lower.
But it is not suitable for those over 70 years old, or those old people whose legs are not able to stand steadily.


How to cook instance noodle ('mee segera')

How to cook 'mee segera' ( instance noodle )
Especially for young adults and parents with kids who are lazy to do proper cooking.
BE AWARE.....!!!
Many of us can't do without " Mxxx " especially when one is away from home, in a foreign land. Here is a piece of information to share so that we can remove the potential health  hazard of consuming Mxxx.
Maybe you should print this info to keep as a  reminder, pin it up in the kitchen or dining room as  reminder or in your purse if you are always travelling.
DO NOT IGNORE THIS ... Especially those fond of Mxxx...
The correct way to cook instant noodles without harming our bodies and health. Normally, how we cook the instant noodles is to put the noodles into a pot with water, throw in the powder and let it cook for around 3 minutes and then it's ready to eat.
This is the
WRONG method of cooking the instant noodles.

By doing this, when we actually boil the ingredients in the powder,
normally with MSG, it will change the molecular structures of the MSG causing it to be toxic.

The other thing that you may or may not realize is that, the noodles are coated with wax and it will take around 4 to 5 days for the body to excrete the wax after you have taken the noodles.


1. Boil the noodles in a pot with water.

2. Once the noodles is cooked, take out the noodles, and throw away the water which contains wax.

3. Boil another pot of water till boiling and put the noodles into the hot boiling water and then shut the fire.

4. Only at this stage when the fire is off, and while the water is very hot, put the ingredient with the powder into the water, to make noodle soup.

5. However, if you need dry noodles, take out the noodles and add the ingredient with the powder and toss it to get dry noodles.

Dietician's Note:
If you buy plain hakka noodles which you make initially need to boil in water and discard the water.  This will soften the noodles but to prevent it from sticking we need to add a tbsp of oil and also the noodles are deep fried partially to make it crunchy and then dusted with flour to prevent it from sticking while boiling.  Hence when you buy the noodles they are already made unhealthy and this is the type we use to make stir fry noodles and the regular Mxxx too is made the same way plus they add MSG / Ajinomoto and other chemical preservatives.

A large number of patient with the ages ranging from
18-24 years are ending up with pancreatitis either as a swelling or infection of the pancreas due to regular consumption of instant noodles... If the frequency is more than 3 times a week, then it is very hazardous...

Please share this info and help save a life


Generation Y

The Silent Generation are people born before 1946.

The Baby Boomers
are people born between 1946 and 1959.

Generation X
are people born between 1960 and 1989.

Generation Y
are people born between 1990 and now.

Why do we call the last one generation Y?
I did not know, but a cartoonist explains it eloquently below...Learned something new today

Now, make someone else laugh. Have a great day! The secret to happiness is a good sense of humour and a bad memory




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