What is Atypical Pneumonia?

Pneumonia essentially means a lung infection caused by germs. Pneumonia usually presents with symptoms that enable the condition to be easily diagnosed by doctors. The organism causing the pneumonia is also usually identifiable and treatable with medications like antibiotics. Atypical pneumonias are caused by organisms that are not so easily identifiable, and the consequences of the infection can often be more severe. In the case of SARS, the organism causing the pneumonia has yet to be identified.

How serious is this condition?

This condition can spread easily through droplet infection and can cause a person to be very sick very quickly. Ministry of Health Singapore has advised us to be more vigilant and to look out for patients suspected to have this condition to be referred for further investigation and assessment.

How do I know if I have SARS?

The condition tends to present initially with the symptoms of the common flu, namely:
· Fever and chills,
· Shortness of breath,
· Cough, sore throat and blocked, or runny nose.
· Muscle and joint aches,
· Weakness and fatigue,

However, you should be especially wary if you also have the following conditions:

If you have a high fever (>38 degrees Celsius) that comes very suddenly.

If you have come into close contact with anyone who have been suspected of having SARS or presented with the same conditions above.

What should I do if I suspect I may have SARS?

If you do have the symptoms described above, you should seek urgent medical attention from any of our clinics. The attending doctor will examine you and may refer you to have a Chest X-Ray done as soon as possible. Depending on what the Chest X-Ray reveals, we may have to refer you for further assessment by the respiratory physician.

What precautions can I take to avoid getting SARS?

To date, the germ(s) causing SARS have not been identified but on-going investigations suggest that it may be viral in origin. There is no known vaccination or medication that you can take which can offer you protection, instead, the common sense approach is advocated:

· Avoid crowded places. Keep a fair distance from people who are ill and are sneezing and coughing openly. The virus is spread through air droplets and you can pick up the virus through inhalation.

· Wash your hands frequently to reduce your risk of picking up the virus. The virus can be transmitted by hand contact as well.

· Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly, eat wisely and if you can, keep your stress levels low. Your primary defence against the any infection is your body’s immune response, which is related to how healthy you are. Vitamins can help in maintaining a healthy immune system.



飲 茶 防 癌 :

運 動 防 癌 :

美國專家調查研究發現.運動可預防直腸癌的發生.特別對於女性. 獲得的效果更好
戒 煙 防 癌 :


歡 笑 防 癌 :

日本專家對觀看喜劇合相生表演的79名癌症病人進行了血樣測定. 發現病人在笑過之後.體內天然殺傷癌細胞的活性物質大大提高

開 窗 防 癌 :

地面和其他建築材料都能釋放致癌氣體--氡及其子體(氡裂便後的 物質).常開窗可使室內空氣中這類致癌物降到最小密度.

睡 眠 防 癌 :

澳大利亞專家強調.睡眠不好.人體就很難控制住細胞在分裂過程中 不發生突變而成為癌細胞.故保證睡眠質量是防癌的首要因素

防 輻 射 致 癌 :


防 肥 胖 致 癌 :

美國一大癌症研究中心的資料顯示.腰部以上特別肥胖易患乳腺 癌.腰圍及臀圍差別不大者較一般婦女風險高6倍

樂 觀 防 癌 :

精神緊張.情緒壓抑.悲觀憂愁.可嚴重抑制機體免疫功能.而飲食 致癌症發生.與此相反.樂觀.開朗.開扣.進取.卻能顯示極大的致癌效應

排 尿 防 癌 :

尿可引起一系列肌肉運動及其相 觀反射.加速腸內廢物的清除

改變飲食防癌 :

有關研究結果發現.單一不變得飲食習慣可以促使癌變早發.. 因故定不變的飲食結構和偏愛某些特有的有毒物質.甚至是致癌物質

吃大豆防癌 :


常吃蔬菜防癌 :

蔬菜中的葉綠素銅鈉鹽是有效的抗誘變劑.具有抗癌作用. 蔬菜中還有大量維生素C. 能阻斷亞硝胺形成

自然抗癌法 莊淑旂博士










首先浸泡到膝蓋以下三分鐘,雙手及兩肘可放入水中,按摩腳踝;然後坐下,讓水淹過肚臍,大約浸泡三分鐘;最後全身坐入浴缸,依照各人喜好浸泡。 至於洗澡水的溫度,以在攝氏41至43度的水溫中沐浴,最能消除疲勞。平均來說,入浴時間以10至20分鐘最理想



這秘方如果早25年收到,也許我家孩子現在就不會怨歎:人皆有母我獨無! 我家種荔枝50餘年,取得荔枝核何其容易,居然不知是寶,連自己的枕邊人也枉費14年歲月洗腎,最終還是不支奉召回歸西天。











天界傳下此秘方 救人一命好心腸





每個各重約 一百五十克 至









承以當她看到馬鈴薯鮮汁對治療癌症有效的文章之後, 就毫不猶豫隨即把馬鈴薯配合蘋果一起 榨成鮮果汁,如此更可口易喝,她把鮮汁視為「生命之水」,一回氣就全部喝完了。

除了肝 炎顯著改善之外,還有二件值得慶幸的意外收穫:








成熟番茄含量低 免驚!

但因生物鹼結構不一樣,未成熟的番茄跟馬鈴薯比較,毒性低很多; 而且成熟後番茄的生物鹼含量也比發芽的馬鈴薯少。
目前並無食用番茄導致人體中毒的文獻。烹煮加熱過程,生物鹼會分解,人體也會排除部分生物鹼,不必太擔心,未成熟的青澀番茄口感不好,也很難一口氣吃太 多。

蕃茄的壞消息 - 很重要 !!!

關於蕃茄的壞消息,有點兒駭人聽聞,多知道些也好! 這可是第一次收到關於蕃茄的壞消息耶!有空看看吧!平衡一下你的視野。 日本厚生省研究員鬼堂院由花表示,生鮮蕃茄含有可致死的龍葵鹼, 茄科植物普遍含有此種毒素,如雙花龍葵,血見愁等, 聽說過發芽的馬鈴薯不要吃嗎?馬鈴薯發芽時便會合成此種致命毒素, 龍葵鹼並非立即致死,但卻會慢慢累積在體內, 當你滿以為自己在攝取茄紅素時,可知自己正順便攝取龍葵鹼, 為養顏美容的虛幻目標,以生命作為代價嗎? 英國臨床醫學博士湯瑪斯•莎耶博士亦證實了鬼堂院由花女士的說法, 並且提出可信服的證據,那就是澳洲的蕃茄農場傑克遜農場, 因地處內陸沙漠,銷售剩餘的蕃茄常由場內員工和場內放牧動物自行消化, 而數十年來暴斃人數竟達十數人之多, 而死因未明(農場主人堅持不讓法醫解剖,原因何在也?), 而三年前老傑克遜亦已逝世,傑克遜家花落飄零,今年最後一位少東亦已逝世。 莎耶博士解剖了小傑克遜的屍體,證實小傑克遜確實死於龍葵鹼中毒。 關於老傑克遜及數十年來的十數條人命,沒有證據證明因何死亡, 但莎耶博士推斷,死於龍葵鹼中毒應也是極有可能的事。 請支持湯瑪斯•莎耶博士和鬼堂院由花女士,就算不能在實際上支持他們的研究, 也請大家努力轉寄不要讓他們心血白費,讓大家都知道吃生蕃茄的危險性, 請大家一定要努力轉寄出去!以後吃蕃茄,記得煮熟再吃! 難怪我曾看過一篇報導: 在美國番茄不是水果,不直接拿來吃,而是蔬菜類,煮熟了吃我只知道未轉紅色的番茄含有很危險毒素煮熟的番茄營養才有效,但不知道生番茄還是有毒性,以後番茄都煮熟才吃喔!





1*1/2+1/2*1/2:0*1/2+1/2*1/2 =0.75:0.25 =3:1 =母 :父





患了中風,腦部的微血管,會慢慢的破裂,遇到這種情形,千萬別慌,患者無論在什麼地方(不管是浴室、臥房或客廳),千萬不可搬動他。因為,如果移動,會加速微血管的破裂 。所以要先原地把患者扶起坐穩止防止再摔倒,這時開始(放血)。家中如有專為注射用的針,當然最好,如果沒有,就拿縫衣用的銅針,或是大頭針,用火燒一下消毒,就在患者的十個手指頭尖兒(沒有固定穴道,大約距 離手指甲一分之處)上去刺,要刺出血來 (萬一血不出來,可用手擠),等十個手指 頭都流出血來(每指一 滴),大約幾分鐘之後,患者就自然清? 如果嘴也歪了,就拉他的耳朵,把耳朵拉紅,在兩耳的耳垂兒的部位,各刺兩針,也各流血兩滴,幾分鐘以後,嘴就恢復原狀了。等患者一切恢復正常感覺沒有異狀時再送醫,就一定可以轉危為安,否則,若是急著抬上救護車送醫,經一路的顛跛震動恐怕還沒到醫院,他腦部微血管,差不多 已經都破裂了。萬一能夠吉人天相,保全老命,能像孫院長,容得勉強行動,那要靠祖上的陰了。放血救命法,是住在新竹的中醫師夏伯挺先生告訴我的。且是經自己親身實驗。敢說百分之百有效。


Why a glass a day will keep the doctor away

Here we look at the other surprising ways in which alcohol - when taken in moderation - may benefit your body.

This follows a wealth of scientific research into the health benefits of red wine, which in moderate amounts can help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia and stroke.

Moderate drinkers are 30% more likely than teetotalers to survive a heart attack, whatever their tipple, and they have better overall health and wellbeing, including increased mental alertness in older age and fewer colds. One reason may be that alcohol intake within safe limits helps alleviate stress, on of the biggest contributors to ill health. It's not just the booze that can help turn your favorite tipple into a medicinal draft. Some non-alcoholic mixers can offer health benefits, too.

Men should not exceedthree to four units a day and women should not exceed two to threeunits a day.

Here's a guide to what your favorite drink can do for you, and why.

BENEFITS: Fights cancer, raises good cholesterol, boosts brain power,helps insomnia and protects against hearing and tooth decay.
The health benefits of red wine are down to resveratrol, a plantchemical in the skins and pips of grapes. Salicylate, an antioxidantin red wine, can help to prevent deafness by protecting the tiny hairsin the inner ear that are vital for hearing.It can also sharpen your wits, says Dr Clinton Wright, professor ofneurology at Columbia University, New York, who found moderate redwine drinkers score higher in mental agility tests than teetotalers.A team of U.S. researchers discovered that chemicals in the seeds andskins of grapes blocked the ability of corrosive bacteria to bind withtooth enamel, protecting teeth from decay.Red wine can also help insomnia, according to the University of Milan .Grape skins contain melatonin, a hormone that keeps body clocks incheck and induces sleep.
Women put on less weight if they stick to red winerather than soft drinks or other beveragesThe health benefits of red wine have long been a consolation to thosewho enjoy an occasional glass or two. But the news has got evenbetter.A study has shown that moderate women drinkers put on less weight thanthose who stick to soft drinks - and those who drank red wine put onthe least weight. The findings by Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Bostonsuggest drinkers turn the calories into heat, not fat.

GOOD FOR: Protecting against heart disease and dementia
A wealth of medical research demonstrates that if you have 200ml to 400ml (a glass or two) of red wine each day, and may helpto guard against adult-onset diabetes, stroke, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease.Also, the flavonoids in red wine act as antioxidants (mopping up destructive chemicals called free radicals) and are beneficial to blood flow. If red wine isn't your thing, similar effects may be obtained from a diet rich in fruits and fresh vegetables.

BENEFITS: Contains vitamins and minerals needed to protect the heartand bones, plus fibre.
A pint of ale contains more than a quarter of an adult’s recommendeddaily dose of vitamin B folate, which stops the build-up ofhomocysteine, linked to heart attacks.Beer also contains boron, another trace mineral needed to maintainhealthy bones. A pint supplies a tenth of the recommended dailyallowance of niacin, which is needed to help release energy from food,as well as 10 per cent of an adult’s daily fibre needs.A pint a day reduces the risk of kidney stones by up to 40 per centbecause beer is low in calcium and high in magnesium - key factors inavoiding stone formation.Like red wine, one beer a day cuts the risk of heart disease andstrokes, thanks to its antioxidants.But does it give you a beer belly? Martin Bobak, an epidemiologist atUniversity College London, compared 2,000 beer drinkers with non-drinkers. There was little difference in their waist-hip ratios.

New research suggests drinking beer is good way to help ensure strong and healthy bones.
Recent research at King's College and St Thomas's Hospital in London found an individual's intake of the mineral silicon is directly linked to bone strength.As beer is one of the richest sources of silicon, a pint a day (supplying 20% of the average daily intake of silicon) may be one of the most effective ways for young people to help keep their bones strong and protect against osteoporosis.
In post-menopausal women, the beneficial effects of higher silicon appear to be lost.Beer also supplies boron, another trace mineral found in healthy bone, and a pint supplies about a tent of the recommended daily allowance of niacin, which boosts energy. Low-alcohol beers are just as good for you nutritionally.

BENEFITS: Anti-inflammatory, diuretic
Gin is a distilled form of pure alcohol with few chemical congeners -or impurities - to give you a hangover.It is flavored with juniper, a berry known for its diureticproperties and used in herbal medicine to treat kidney and bladderstones, and bloating.Juniper has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve arthritis,rheumatism and gout.
GOOD FOR: Preventing water retention
The juniper berries which flavor gin were originally a herbal remedy for diseases of kidneys and liver. They have a diuretic action, so a gin is even more likely to make you pass water than other alcohol.
Because of this, gin may offer a short-term solution to the bloating that some women experience in the run-up to their period, though this hasn't been proved scientifically. The downside is gin is devoid of vitamins, minerals or antioxidants.

BENEFITS: Lowers cholesterol; benefits lungs; anti-inflammatory
The grape flesh used in white wine contains the chemicals tyrosol andhydroxytyrosol, which lower artery-clogging LDL cholesterol.When drunk moderately, white wine may help keep lungs healthy over alifetime. Its antioxidants protect against harmful molecules that candamage lung tissues.White wine also contains caffeic acid, which can help to suppressinflammation. This may help ease pain suffered by people withinflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

GOOD FOR: Easing joint pain
White wine contains tyrosol and caffeic acid, which are also found in extra-virginolive oil. According to studies at the University of Milan, these substances can partially suppress the inflammatory reaction that occurs in painful conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.Only a moderate intake of white wine (one to three glasses a day) is needed to have a beneficial effect.

BENEFITS: Protects against heart attacks and blood clots
As a distillation of red wine, brandy contains high concentration ofphenolics or antioxidants, which mop up free radicals that damageorgans and tissues - 30ml provide the equivalent antioxidant potentialas the daily recommended intake of vitamin C.The University of Bordeaux has shown that a regular tot of Armagnachas a similar effect to aspirin because it helps stave off heartattacks and blood clots. It is believed this is due to brandy beingstored in oak casks, which are high in anti- oxidant plant compoundsthat mop up damaging free radicals in the body.

BENEFITS: Helps brain injuries
Researchers triggered a stroke in two groups of mice. The group whichhad champagne - which is packed with antioxidants - had moreprotection against brain cell damage.To our health! Champagne is packed with antioxidants and helps protectagainst brain cell damage

BENEFITS: Protects against cancer
This Irish liqueur contains whiskey, which has high levels of ellagicacid. This inhibits the growth of tumors caused by carcinogens andkills cancer cells without damaging healthy cells.The Hollings Cancer Institute at the University of South Carolinacarried out clinical trials on 500 cervical cancer patients over nineyears. They found ellagic acid stopped cancer cells dividing.

BENEFITS: Protects heart.
Sherry shares many of the anti-inflammatory benefits as red wine. Itcontains high levels of polyphenols, believed to reduce the risk ofcoronary artery disease.These protect the heart by preventing ‘bad’ cholesterol from becomingsticky and building up as a deposit on blood vessel walls. They alsoincrease the body’s production of ‘good’ cholesterol.

BENEFITS: Protects against high blood pressure and heart disease; goodfor muscle control.
According to the Institute of Food Research at Norwich, cider has thesame level of antioxidants as green tea, blackcurrant juice or redwine, helping to fight disease.It is also high in potassium, needed for nerve function, musclecontrol and to regulate blood pressure. Low levels of potassium arelinked to hypertension, diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

GOOD FOR: Boosting iron intake and protecting against anaemia
Scrumpy cider can make you feel ill because of its high concentration of chemical extracts and impurities.However, all types of cider can reduce your chance of developing iron-deficiency anaemia (with its attendant unpleasant symptoms of fatigue, lack of concentration and dizziness).Just one pint of sweet or dry cider, for example, supplies one fifth of the recommended daily allowance of iron. Vintage cider has slightly less.

BENEF IT S: Protects against blood clots and heart attacks
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin found a daily Guinness witha meal reduced clots and the risk of heart attacks.This is because it contains antioxidants - similar to those found in fruit

GOOD FOR: Boosting appetite
All that stuff about Guiness being good for pregnant women and elderly people is Irish Blarney. It's based on the idea that stout is rich in blood-building iron, but this isn't true - the deep black color comes from roasted, malted barley, which gives flavor, but that's about all.However, there's some truth to the idea that Guiness can help you to convalesce. Like all types of alcohol, it boosts appetite, and a pint contains 190calories. So if you've lost weight because of illness, it can help to buildup.

GOOD FOR: Preventing insomnia and protecting against heart disease
Like red wine, it contains antioxidants (derived from the wooden barrels it is matured in), though they are present in smaller amounts. Nevertheless, a shot or two of whisky each day will help to reduce your risk of heart disease. Doctors also often recommend whisky as a hot toddy to help induce sleep. Adding a spoon of honey and lemon will help soothe a sore throat.
On its own (or with ice), a Scotchis one of the most waistline-friendly alcoholic drinks, with a single shotsupplying just 55 calories.

GOOD FOR: A sensitive gut and avoiding a hangover
Because vodka is so highly distilled, it means it may be deemed suitable (in small amounts) for people on sugar-free, yeast-free diets designed to tackle conditions such as thrush, candida and irritable bowel syndrome.One scientific analysis found that vodka had only one six thousandth of the content of the toxic alcohol methanol as bourbon. This, combined with the fact vodka has virtually no coloring or flavoring chemicals, means that it is unlikely to give you a bad hangover.


Water therapy

Drink six (6) glasses of water (1.5 liter) everyday and avoid medicine, tablets, injections, diagnosis, doctor fees, etc. You can never believe before practicing. Here's the list of diseases that can be cured by this water therapy: Headache Blood Pressure/Hyper Tension Anemia (Blood Shortage) Rheumatism (Pain in joints/muscles) General Paralysis Obesity Artheritis Sinusitis Tachycardia Giddiness Cough Asthma Bronchitis Pulminory Tuberculosis Meningitis Kidney stones Urogenital deseases Hyper acidity Gastro-entritis Dysentery Rectal Piodapse Constipation Hostorthobics Diabetes Eye diseases Ophthalmic Hemorrhage & Opthalmia (reddish eye) Irregular Menstruation Leukemia Uterus cancer Breast cancer Laryngitis
How to do this water therapy?

1) Early morning, after you get up from bed, (without even brushing your teeth) drink 1.50 liters of water i.e., 5 to 6 glasses. Let us all know that ancient Indians termed this therapy as "Usher Paana Chikitsa". You may wash your face there after.
2) Here it is very essential to note that nothing else, neither drinks nor solid food of any sort should be taken within 1 hour before and after drinking these 1.50 liters of water.
3) It is also to be strictly observed that no alcoholic drinks should be taken the previous night.
4) If required, boiled and filtered water may be used for this purpose. Is it possible to drink 1.50 liters of water at one time? To begin with, one may find it difficult to drink 1.50 liters of water at one time, but one will get used to it gradually. Initially, while practicing you may drink four glasses first and the balance two glasses after a gap of two minutes. Initially you may find the necessity to urinate 2 to 3 times within an hour, but it will become normal after quite some time. By research and experience, the following diseases are observed to be cured with this therapy within the indicated days as below: Constipation - 1 day Acidity - 2 days Diabetes - 7 days Cancer - 4 weeks Pulminory TB - 3 months BP & Hypertension - 4 weeks Note: It is advised that persons suffering from Artheritis or Rheumatism should practice this therapy thrice a day, i.e., morning, midday and night, 1 hour before meals for one week; and twice a day subsequently until the disease disappears.

How does pure water act?
Consuming ordinary drinking water by the right method purifies human body. It renders the colon more effective by forming new fresh blood, known in medical terms as Haematopaises. That the mucousal folds of the colon and intestines are activated by this method is an undisputed fact, just as the theory that new fresh blood is produced by the mucousal fold. If the colon is cleansed then the nutrients of the food taken several times a day will be absorbed and by the action of the mucousal folds they are turned into fresh blood. The blood is all important in curing ailments and restoring health and for this water should be consumed in a regular pattern.

We make an earnest request that the above method should be read and practiced carefully. Please spread this message to your friends, relatives and neighbors - It is a great service to the cause of humanity. Life is short, just go for it!


Liver health

1. Lungs & Big Intestines share the system. If one or the other is infected or sick, the other will also be sick.

2. When the Liver is in pain, there are not much signs or symptoms to be detected. Before many cancers happen, usually the Liver will be the first to get sick.

3. Liver filters out the poisons and it attack all other viruses in the body.

4. 99% Chinese have weak livers as they eat a lot of meat, and high fat foods.

5. The Liver‘s repair time is effective from 11pm – 3am. Therefore, Sleeping late after 11pm & having late night supper 2 hours before sleep especially high cholesterol and high fat foods weakens the Liver as it does not have sufficient time to rest and regenerate. Even when one sleeps in later in the morning to replace loss sleep will not help.

6. If U get very hungry just before bedtime, eat some fruits & vegetables which is easy to digest. Meat takes about 4 hours to digest before it goes into the intestines. Meat cooked in oil takes about 12 hours before going into the intestines. This will provoke the Liver & the digestive tract to overwork in filtering the toxins thus U will tend to feel very tired when U wake up in the morning.

7. Oil is the main culprit that will weaken the functions of the Liver and damage it. Medication cannot cure Liver problem and it will damage it even further.

8. Cold-pressed Olive oil, carrot, cucumber, raw chili, garlic, onion, little bamboo salt/ sea-salt, radish, pumpkin and small fish are good for the body. Sesame oil is ok.

9. Food-preservatives, Food colourings, Bee Hoon is processed with Aluminum (causes Dementia) , Bleach, syrup, Pesticides are bad for Liver health. Wrong medication can shrink and damage the Liver badly. Radiation from Microwave oven destroys all nutrients in the food.

10. Western medication is bad for the Liver. Chinese medication is bad for Kidney. White radish will disable the effects of the Chinese medication.

11. Sleeping late for children is unhealthy as it weakens memory and intelligence.

12. Best Healthy times to sleep are 9pm especially so for people who is sick or recovering from it and do not sleep later than 11pm. Lots of rest is good for the Liver to recover. When using eye-cover during bed-time, use only pure-cotton and do not use Rubber, latex material.

13. A Detoxification Diet helps the Liver & Intestines to recover fast. Natural fresh foods are best for the Liver and overall well being. Do not rely on packed, bottled or canned health foods/ vitamins as they lack a lot of natural and essential vitamins which can only be derived from pure, unprocessed natural foods.

14. A balance of mental/ emotional state of mind is very important to the total well-being. Too much Stress of all kinds, loud noises/music, Anger, irritation suppressed for too long, Pessimism, depressive moods, no goals in life, feeling life has no value or blaming the World & Everyone else for his life will further weaken the body system. When the Liver is unhealthy, the Person usually has a bad temper and gets easily angered or irritated.

15. Giving out Gas, perspiration and urine are ways of purging out the toxins from the body. Do not use too much of air-conditioners as they suppress the body from perspiration. This natural way of purging helps to reduce the load of the Liver. Open the windows for fresh air.

16. Give Warm to any part of the body that is in pain will help ease it or soaking in a bathtub of warm water up to waist level will also help. Be careful if U have heart problems, do not soak up to heart level or else U might feel uncomfortable as your heart might get too stimulated.

17. Brown rice , wheat, oats, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yam and maize but we must be careful when buying these foods as they contain great amount of Pesticides. Maize and Brown rice contains B complex vitamin but be careful as Maize these days, has a lot of Pesticides in them too. Organic foods are better alternatives but they are more costly.

18. Blood A type has higher chances of Cancer diseases.

19. Blood O type has higher chances of Liver diseases.

20. Women Lives Longer because they are more even-tempered due to their menstration cycle expels the anger suppressed inside. It is better not to talk when a person is feeling very angry at that point of time. Breathe very slowly for 7 times and just smile.

21. Fat or overweight people usually have problems with their liver, heart and digestive system as they eat too much meat, high cholesterol and high fat foods which will damage their Liver and thus affect their heart and blood pressure.

22. Gastric problem is also associated with ingesting too much meat and high fat foods.

23. Heart & Uterus are linked together. Drinking 3000cc – 4000cc of good filtered water with a healthy detoxification diet will help keep them healthy too.

24. There is no need to go for unnecessary check up. X-rays, CT scans (radiation is 5x-6x higher) are bad for the body as it kills thousands of cells and thus weakens the body further. Cancers & diseases are sometimes quite hard to detect in your Yearly Health checkups or blood tests. By the time they are detected, that particular part of the body has already been quite damaged. Always get a second opinion from another doctor before proceeding with the recommended surgery. If it is Liver disease, medication will destroy it further. Go on a proper detoxification diet and sleep by 9pm daily will help the Liver to recover much faster.

25. Vegetable and Fruits are high in Vitamin Cs which will help detoxify the poisons in the body, thus helping the organs to recover during the detoxification. Drinking lots of water 2000cc – 3000cc will help the Liver as Urine is one way of detoxification.

26. Morning hours between 5am – 7am is the best time for Bowel movement otherwise the intestines might absorb the poisons from the digested matter to be distributed to the rest of the body and thus slow poisoning of the body will occur. This will result in the body getting sick.

27. Using Kelp Powder mix in water can help to stop itchy scalp.

28. Stones in gall-bladder, liver, brain, etc.. are usually poisons accumulated from animal protein and oily foods.

29. Minerals – calcium, iron strengthen the kidney/ bladder.

30. A Person having Mild Liver or Kidney problems can eat Fish & Beans only after 4 months of detoxification diet.

31. If the whites of the eyes are Yellow means you might have Liver & Gall Bladder problem.

32. Red vegetables or fruits are good for the Brain and the Heart.

33. Yellow vegetable or fruits are good for Digestion. Be careful when choosing. Cabbage and Banana are good but they may have lots of pesticides.

34. Low Blood pressure is ok as long as the individual feels fine and healthy.

35. Having Pimples may mean that the toxins in the blood cannot be purged out.

36. Exercise in preferably done in the morning as there is lots of oxygen from the trees and plants. Night time is not advisable as there are lots of carbon dioxide coming from the trees and plants. Afternoon is too hot. After 40 years old, try to do light exercises like long distance walking and not to do heavy exercises.

37. Having Headaches may mean weak pump of blood/energy from the Heart shows lack of oxygen.

38. Black under eyes means Liver & Kidney are weak.

39. For Arthritis problem, eat High vitamin C, kelp and detoxification diet.

40. People with Breast or Uterine cancer must not eat sea-cucumber or salty foods.

41. High-water content fruits are easier to digest.

42. Exercise is good for the heart.

43. Use as few electrical appliances and household items in your homes. In the long term, they can cause radiation exposure and ruin your health especially your Television set, radio, huge sound system. Don’t place them in your bedroom otherwise, you might find difficulty in sleeping thus feeling very tired in the morning. Also, try not to watch too much TV or surf the computer for a long time especially children otherwise in the long run, the radiation from the TV & computer might cause loss of memory and intelligence. Do not switch on the lights in your home or else too much of light exposure overhead might also be damaging to your body especially if you have not been very fit or healthy in your lifestyle.


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