What is Atypical Pneumonia?

Pneumonia essentially means a lung infection caused by germs. Pneumonia usually presents with symptoms that enable the condition to be easily diagnosed by doctors. The organism causing the pneumonia is also usually identifiable and treatable with medications like antibiotics. Atypical pneumonias are caused by organisms that are not so easily identifiable, and the consequences of the infection can often be more severe. In the case of SARS, the organism causing the pneumonia has yet to be identified.

How serious is this condition?

This condition can spread easily through droplet infection and can cause a person to be very sick very quickly. Ministry of Health Singapore has advised us to be more vigilant and to look out for patients suspected to have this condition to be referred for further investigation and assessment.

How do I know if I have SARS?

The condition tends to present initially with the symptoms of the common flu, namely:
· Fever and chills,
· Shortness of breath,
· Cough, sore throat and blocked, or runny nose.
· Muscle and joint aches,
· Weakness and fatigue,

However, you should be especially wary if you also have the following conditions:

If you have a high fever (>38 degrees Celsius) that comes very suddenly.

If you have come into close contact with anyone who have been suspected of having SARS or presented with the same conditions above.

What should I do if I suspect I may have SARS?

If you do have the symptoms described above, you should seek urgent medical attention from any of our clinics. The attending doctor will examine you and may refer you to have a Chest X-Ray done as soon as possible. Depending on what the Chest X-Ray reveals, we may have to refer you for further assessment by the respiratory physician.

What precautions can I take to avoid getting SARS?

To date, the germ(s) causing SARS have not been identified but on-going investigations suggest that it may be viral in origin. There is no known vaccination or medication that you can take which can offer you protection, instead, the common sense approach is advocated:

· Avoid crowded places. Keep a fair distance from people who are ill and are sneezing and coughing openly. The virus is spread through air droplets and you can pick up the virus through inhalation.

· Wash your hands frequently to reduce your risk of picking up the virus. The virus can be transmitted by hand contact as well.

· Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly, eat wisely and if you can, keep your stress levels low. Your primary defence against the any infection is your body’s immune response, which is related to how healthy you are. Vitamins can help in maintaining a healthy immune system.

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